
Sunday, July 20, 2008

GoGameFace, WeBook, 5K fun!

Short blog post this week. I have so much to do! GoGameFace has consumed a lot of my time. Our new site will be launching in about a month, make sure to go check-out our current placeholder site! It looks great:

The author, me and friends will be out and about visiting cities to throw "GoGameFace" parties at local popular bars. As of now we will be visiting:
  • New York City
  • Bethlehem/Lehigh Valley
  • Philadelphia
  • Boston
  • Chicago
  • Pittsburgh
  • Cleveland
  • Cincinnati
  • San Diego
  • Orange County/Los Angeles
  • San Francisco
Other Possible Cities: Phoenix, Dallas, Detroit, Denver

So Excited! More information, including venues, to follow in later posts.

New writing application - not sure if I want to push my writing up on a website yet or not...I am still content with a word doc.

For fun and time-wasting (it most definitely wastes your time) here is the falling sand game:

On a personal note
(and really, it's MY blog so it's all pretty much a personal note): I fully intend to run a 5k before the move to Istanbul. Maybe October?
I am currently regularly running 2 miles! Very exciting for me. Though it takes me about 24 minutes to run 2 miles, so hopefully I can try and get faster and eventually run 3.1 miles under 30 minutes.

1 comment:

Izmir-2-blogger said...

Sand game is fun and a bit weird at the same time.

